Gerhard Heide
E-Mail: gerhard.heide@tu-freiberg.de
Gerhard Heide Prof. Dr. rer. nat. read crystallography at the University of Leipzig and gained his degree with a thesis on the “Charakterisierung von Glasuren und Fritten unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Wechselwirkung”. In 1996, he received his doctorate from the TU Clausthal. Subsequently, he became scientific assistant to the Chair of Glass and Glass Technology at the Institut für Nichtmetallische Werkstoffe. In 2002, he completed his habilitation with a thesis “Institut für Nichtmetallische Werkstoffe”. Since 2005, he has been professor for general and applied mineralogy at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg as well as, since 2006, director of its geoscientific collections.
Since his undergraduate studies, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Heide has been familiar with glass, glazes and ceramics. The subject of his thesis in 1989 was the investigation of the interaction of ceramic pigments with glazes. After joining Prof. Frischat’s working group “Glass” in 1996, his habilitation “Zur Systematik nichtkristalliner Materialien” (On the systematics of non-crystalline materials) was completed in 2002. In addition to flat and tubular glass and glass fibres, he also researched natural and historical glass and glazes, an interest he has intensified since being appointed as professor in 2005.
Projektrelevante Publikationen:
- G.H. Frischat, C. Müller-Fildebrandt, D. Moseler, G. Heide, On the origin of the tin hump in several float glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 283 (2001), S. 246–249.
- U. Hoffmann, G. Heide, G.H. Frischat, Reactions between sol–gel coatings and some technical glass substrates during consolidation, in: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (2005), S. 3562–3569.
- G. Helsch, M. Krzyzak, G. Heide, G.H. Frischat, Adherent antireflection coatings on borosilicate glass for solar collectors, in: Glass Technology - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A 47 (2006), S. 153–156.
- Y. Yue, M. Korsgaard, L.F. Kirkegaard, G. Heide, Formation of a Nanocrystalline Layer on the Surface of Stone Wool Fibers, in: Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (2009), S. 62–67.
- G.Heide, B.Müller, G. Kloess, D. Moseler, G.H. Frischat, Structural classification of natural non-crystalline silicates, in: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 323 (2003), S. 68–71.
- G.H. Frischat, G. Heide, B. Müller, R.A. Weeks, Mystery of the Libyan desert glasses, in: Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, 42 (2001), S. 179–183.
K. Heide, G. Heide, Vitreous state in nature. Origin and properties, in: Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry 71(2011), S. 305–335. - Restaurierung der wertvollen mittelalterlichen, umweltgeschädigten Glasfenster der Divi Blasii Kirche in Mühlhausen unter Berücksichtigung klimatischer Faktoren. DBU 2007–2010, unter: https://www.fh-erfurt.de/fhe/fachhochschule/zentrale-einrichtungen/koop/forschung-und-projekte/forschungsprojekte/die-mittelalterliche-chorfenster-der-divi-blasii-kirche-muehlhausen/(18.04.2018).
- A. Vanhoefen, G. Heide, Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur Digitalisierung von Stabperlen aus farbigen Glas des frühen 18. Jahrhundert, des textilen Verbundes und seiner raumgestaltenden Bildhaftigkeit. BMBF-Projekt 100304285 in der Ausschreibung eHeritage. 2017.
- B. Heide, S. Paskoff, A. Massanek, G. Heide, 249 Coloured Plates of Meissen Porcelain: A Part of the Mineral Collections of Abraham Gottlob Werner, in: G. Wolfschmidt (Hg.), Enhancing university heritage-based research. tredition GmbH, Hamburg, (2016), S. 58–71.
- Porzellantafeln, unter: https://webapp.senckenberg.de/aquila-freiberg/(18.04.2018).