Larissa Sebastian
E-Mail: larissa.sebastian@umwelt.uni-giessen.de
Larissa Sebastian BA, studied History and Cultural Studies for a bachelor’s degree in history, political science and international law and currently participates in the single-subject MA programme in history at the Justus-Liebig University in Gießen. Her bachelor thesis dealt with “captivity narratives”, i.e. prisoner reports of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries from America. From 2013, she has worked as student assistant for several chairs at JLU as well as at the Sonderforschungsbereich TRR 138 “Dynamiken der Sicherheit”. She worked as intern at the Akademie der Wissenschaften with the Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch (DRW), Heidelberg and at the German Historical Institute in London. From 2012, she held a scholarship at the Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V.; she was a member of the student council, a student representative in the appointments committee for early modern history and a founding member of the student working group at the Historical Institute. In this function, she gave a lecture at a conference on Neighbourhood in 2015 and co-organised a workshop on images in history as an academic discipline. The conference volume is forthcoming in 2019, including her article on “Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South as spatial story”.