Torsten dos Santos Arnold
E-Mail: torsten.dos-santos-arnold@geschichte.uni-giessen.de
Torsten dos Santos Arnold MA read history, maritime history and English studies/cultural studies at Göttingen, Dresden and Lisbon. His MA thesis (2014) focused on historical shipwrecks as sources for maritime history in the seventeenth century. He received a research award of the Portuguese Society for Economic and Social History (APHES, 2013) for his work on the Portuguese copper-pepper trade at the beginning of the sixteenth century and became research associate (2/2015-6/2018) with the DFG project “The Globalized Periphery” as well as doctoral student (EUV Frankfurt an der Oder). Torsten’s research interests are in the fields of European economic and social history in a global context (fifteenth-nineteenth centuries) and European cultural history (fifteenth-nineteenth centuries).
- mit Klaus Weber, Ports to “New Worlds”: Lisbon, Seville, Cádiz (15th–18th Centuries), in: The Power of Cities. The Iberian Peninsula from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period, hrsg. von Sabine Panzram, Leiden 2019, In Druck.
- Portugal and the Hanseatic League ca. 1450-1550, in: Nós e Eles. Como Portugal e a Europa se olharam nos séculos XV e XVI, hrsg. von Paulo Catarina Lopes, Lissabon 2019, in Druck.
- Central Europe and the Portuguese, Spanish and French atlantic, 15th. to 19th centuries, in: European Review 2018, 26.3, S. 421–429.
- Hermann Kellenbenz and the German-Portuguese Economic Relationships during the 16th Century, in: Renaissance Craftsmen and Humanistic Scholars. European Circulation of Knowledge between Portugal and Germany, hrsg. von Marília dos Santos Lopes, Henrique Leitão, Thomas Horst, Frankfurt (M.) 2016, S. 91–102.
- Historical Background, in: The Excavation of the Nossa Senhora da Consolação (1608), hrsg. von Alejandro Mirabal, Estoril 2013, S. 5–7.
- Estado da Índia, in: The Sea in World History. Exploration, Travel and Trade, hrsg. von Stephen K. Stein, Santa Barbara 2017, vol. I, S. 295–296.
- Mozambique Island, in: The Sea in World History. Exploration, Travel and Trade, hrsg. von Stephen K. Stein, Santa Barbara 2017, vol. I, S. 404–405.
- Nau, In: The Sea in World History. Exploration, Travel and Trade, hrsg. von Stephen K. Stein, Santa Barbara 2017, vol. I, S. 410–411.
- Portugal (1415–1770), In: The Sea in World History. Exploration, Travel and Trade, hrsg. von Stephen K. Stein, Santa Barbara 2017, vol. I, S. 394–398.
- Cobre, In: Dicionário da Expansão Portuguesa (1415–1600), hrsg. von Francisco Contente Domingues, Lissabon 2016, vol. I, S. 279–281.
- Hansa, In: Dicionário da Expansão Portuguesa (1415–1600), hrsg. von Francisco Contente Domingues, Lissabon 2016, vol. I, S. 493–494.
- mit Jeanette Granda, Hermann Kellenbenz, In: Dicionário de Historiadores Portugueses. Desde a fundação Real Acad«emia das Ciências ao final do Estado Novo (1779-19749, hrsg. von Sérgio Campos Matos, Lissabon 2015, http://dichp.bnportugal.pt/historiadores/historiadores_kellenbenz.htm (24.4.2019).